Cruzin with Geoff and Susan

Charleston to Savannah, Georgia

Sunday 26th March 2017

We enjoyed a morning cup of tea on the piazza (verandah or porch), had the traditional pancakes for breakfast before setting off on our drive to Savannah to catch our flight. Unfortunately the dramas started to unfold. The Savannah flight was delayed, we then missed our connection in Charlotte to fly to LA. We made every effort to contact Qantas – but that was just not possible. The Charlotte to LA flight also ran late, we then had to find our luggage at the LA airport and make our way to the International airport. We made it with 15 mins to spare. So much for best laid plans. We have flown all night and I am now watching a glorious sunrise out of my window at 30,000ft. And it is Tuesday!!

And as they say in the South – “Y’all come back now”.

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