Monday 16th December, 2019
1C – 5C Thunderstorms
Welcome to Elvis country. We went to Graceland today. It doesn’t disappoint. They have continued to develop the site since we were last here so we saw a number of new exhibitions. Of course the house itself is where most people feel closest to the legendary man. He was certainly a very talented, entertaining, thoughtful, kind and loving man. He died at the age of 42.

But if Elvis was around now he would be beating a path down Beale St and BB Kings joint to Bass Pro Sport. This is the ultimate man cave source. Imagine a glass pyramid 10 stories high and flood the bottom floor to house the live ‘gators. Then fill the part above high tide with anything a red neck will need to fish, hunt, kill, dismember and smoke. Most people wear their camos into the shop, or if they smell too much, pick up a new pair to wear out.