A hot day…even on the bikes. We pulled out of Springfield around 8am, a routine we are now used to and thundered off on a contorted series of over passes, wobbling our front wheels between streams of traffic and “filtered” 14 bikes through the mayhem, 45 minutes later we passed our hotel we had just left! Go figure.
Finally we picked up Route 66 again and embraced the thrill of riding in staggered formation as the the trucks and pickups thundered at us.
Crossing the drain (check Tom Waits) aka the Mississippi was breath taking because of the size of it and the immensity of the bridges.
Only a 100 miles today with lots of bridge stops and drinking plenty of water.
The bikes were parked up around 4pm on what I understood to be Level 3 of the car park.My Irish mate (in the picture)set me straight it was actually the turd floor.