About a month ago, it was shaping up badly. The Dukes looked forlorn in a dusty shed that got dustier with each passing day. The looming threat needed me to pack a suitcase and catch two flights to Uluru. Visions of the transit lounge haunted me after 6 years FIFO and I mused over the alternatives.
Let’s see? 2,500 km on bitumen…the 70’s Dukes would not make it and the GT had never lived up to its name With a factory fitted tank as big as a tea cup. The Multistrada 1200 in the corner literally growled at me as I mused over a plan that comprised of two steps:
1) Get on
2) Ride
I swung past my mate Ken at Townsville Ducati who gave the bike a quick thumbs up and we decided on a new pair of heels to match the elegant lines of the black beast. A couple of Bridgestone’s later and I was set to roll.
Packing consisted of 4 bags. The small pannier took the wet weather Frogs Togs and Gerbing jacket and gloves. At this point my penchant for natty stuff becomes obvious….both jacket and gloves are 12 volt….a precaution against the southern blizzard.
The larger pannier swallowed a one man tent, sleeping bag and mat.
Of course the top box copped the main load with 4 days of pre mix cereal, home made muesli bars ( I will include the recipe stolen from a eccentric Tasmanian mountain climber) trail mix of nuts as well as socks and undies. In deference to warmer weather, Susan nipped the denim legs off some old Kevlar jeans and I could wear them as an equivalent of steel lined jocks.
Up front the tank bag held my log book and glasses while the iPhone enjoyed an uninterrupted view of the road from the handlebar Ram Mount.
That left me to climb into my Dry Rider pants and opt for a Motociclo remake of a Belstaff waxed cotton jacket equipped with body armour. I slung my 2 litre camel pak on my back and flicked on the SPOT that tracked me on the home computer every 10 minutes. It’s old technology but it works a treat…more about that next time.